Monday, May 19, 2014

Summertime Clothing for American Girl Doll - Swimsuit

Summertime is fast approaching and it's time to make an easy swimsuit for your doll.  To do this, you'll need one swimsuit that your child or grandchild has outgrown.

Next, you'll need the Lee & Pearl Ballet Basics pattern which you use to be able to get for free on their website here (just signing up for their mailing list).

First, cut your swimsuit out using the free pattern. Now, follow the steps below:
At this point, you'll need to adjust the neck strap to make it fit around your doll's next.  I cut almost all the extra length from the strap and with my sewing machine I re-sewed the strap back onto the hooks.

Enjoy your days at the pool with your doll and her new suit in tow! xoxo Grandma

UPDATE 2017: The pattern used is no longer free from Lee & Pearl. They are now offering a different pattern. The pattern can however be found on their Etsy Shop.

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