Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Refashioning 3 Jeans + 2 Sweatshirts = Slow Progress

When refashioning three pairs of jeans, two sweatshirts and leftover fabric from a men's dress shirt, this jacket took about FIVE weeks of off-again, on-again sewing....not the TWO hours that the pattern stated! To be fair to this pattern, if I hadn't cut-up so many articles of clothing, it surely would have taken me less time... at least that's what I'm thinking.  Next time, maybe I'll find a large cozy blanket to refashion into a jacket. But I'll wait until next fall.  I'm certainly not in the mood to sew this pattern again. At least not for a while.  

I think my problem stemmed from starting this jacket when it was still chilly but once the weather hit the mid 60's, I kind of lost interest in finishing it.  Now that it's finally done, I love how it looks. But it wasn't the right size for me, so I gave it to one of my sweet sisters-in-law. Doesn't it look great on her?

I love how the gray fabrics look with her hair. Alas, I will not be attempting such a pretty blazer for quite some time. But if you're feeling up to the challenge, let me know if you need some tips. In the meantime, this photo sums up how I'm feeling about making this: 

- xoxo Grandma

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