Sunday, October 23, 2016

Make More Monsters

This post is a continuation of this post right here, "How to Sew a Few Monsters." Check it out and then join us back here to learn a few more monster tips and tricks to making your little creations unique. You'll be glad you did, because these little guys are fun to create and are pretty cute too.  All children will love the gift of a monster or two.

You can click here for the free pattern.

In my pile of fabric scraps, I came across the brown fur you can see I used in the monster in the title photo. I've sewn on this heavy fur enough times to know that to machine embroider eyes on this stuff would be a little difficult.  So, this is what I did: 
  1. Cut out an oval from the head area.  From fleece, cut out an oval 1/2" larger that the oval you originally cut out.  Pin the larger oval to the hole.
  2. Sew the oval to the hole.
  3. This is what the face area now looks like from the right side of the fabric. Draw a face onto the fleece, using a fabric pen.  Find some buttons and sew those onto the face.  Sew on a pom pom for a nose.
  4. Sew some arm shapes together.  Turn them and stuff them.  Baste the ends together.  Now pin on the arms to the basic monster and sew the front to the back, leaving an open space to stuff.
My next monsters you can see below were changed a little too from the basic pattern: 

Here are a few more suggestions to changing up your monster's look:
  1.  Use plastic animal eyes. (These are a quick way to add perfect eyes to you monsters.)
  2.  Off-center the eyes.
  3.  Add only one eye instead of two eyes.
  4.  Add pointy horns that look like triangles instead of the curled  horns like in the original pattern.
  5.  Hand sew pom poms onto the monsters for fluffy noses.
  6.  Add ears to the top or side of the monster's head.
  7.  Don't have enough fabric to add the arms?  Just like the furry monster, cut your arms out separately and sew them together, stuff them, sew the arm's opening closed.  Baste them onto the body and you'll have movable arms.
  8. One final monster I created was for a baby, into that monster, I added a few rattle elements. 'Not pictured'
If you think of more ways to make these guys unique, let me know! I'd love to hear all about your creativity! Enjoy creating!  xoxo Grandma

1 comment:

  1. i just love all of your monsters ...can't wait to get to sewing some of these and of course hopefully they look as cute as yours ...i try to do different things for the grand babies and these will be great ..thank you for this free patterns to get started with...


Love to hear what you think...xoxo Grandma