Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Beaded Sunsuit

Since I got to sneak in a little warm weather time with my grandchildren this month I'm going to share this bead embellished sunsuit I made from a free pattern found at Elegance and Elephants with you.

Of course, I changed a few little things to make this sunsuit more my personal style. I adding an additional 1/2" width to the straps because 1" was just too small for me to iron without burning my finger tips.  I also slightly curved the front of the sunsuit.  I like how it makes the sunsuit look softer.
My favorite part of this sunsuit is the beads I sewed on next to the side pockets.  The beads were upcycled from a shell & beaded belt one of my daughters left at home when she left for college.  Several of the shells were falling off this belt but I couldn't throw it away because I loved the shells and the beads so I cut these accents off of the belt and saved them knowing I'd figure out a way to use them. The beads added a little fun and my granddaughter liked the large pockets which were perfect for her little hands to fit in.

xoxo Grandma
Linked to the following parties: Project Run and Play - If you love this little outfit, please click on the heart on #17 on Project Run and Play.  Thanks a bunch!

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Love to hear what you think...xoxo Grandma