Monday, February 3, 2014

Styling Refashions

I love to refashion... taking something old and turning it into something fun and new. One of my favorite things to refashion is all the clothes my grown children left at home when they moved out. This project I'm highlighting here is one of those clothing articles.

For the final challenge for Project Run and Play, I created a mint dress refashioned from a light weight woman's shirt.  The fabric from this shirt was paired with lace and ribbon to create a soft flowing dress, which is perfect to wear in hot, humid weather. My oldest granddaughter happens to live in such a climate.  Lucky for me, I just got back from visiting her and while visiting her, she modeled this dress before we headed to church.  It fits her now but in a few months, when the weather is sweltering, it'll still fit her because it was made with "room to grow."  It was only 63 degrees fahrenheit on this particular day, and so she wanted to wear the white leggings I also made for her. (I personally think the dress is cuter without the baggy leggings, but I've learned not to disagree with a two and a half year old.)

I love that I was able to use the bottom ruffles from the original shirt.  I also love the sparkly rhinestone buttons and the lace sewn onto the back ribbon, which created a unique tie for this light airy dress. 

A cute thing happened when I was taking photos. My grandson, who happened to come along for the photo shoot said, "Grandma, I just want a picture with my sister."  Okay, I said,  "What about right here?"  They sat down on some rocks and my granddaughter instantly found a very large, slimy snail.  "Oh, look Grandma, a really big snail."  She picked it up and said, "we must put it in here"... and proceeded to throw it into the garbage can. These kids sure make me laugh! 

Aren't children great?  xoxo Grandma

Linked to:  Creating my way to Success

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