If you read my blog often, you may remember that I inherited a lot of vintage linens several years ago. I was challenged to refashion them instead of letting them sit in a cupboard for another 40 or more years. Well, I've still got a few left to refashion, so I searched the internet to see what else I could do with these vintage beauties. Turns out, there's a lot of ideas out there...
I've put together a list of my favorites to bring you 20 fabulous ways to repurpose vintage linens.
If you're wanting to try a new project with your vintage linens, then check out these projects and you may just be inspired too because I certainly was. I've attached a link to the inspiration for each project.
- Miniature Sized Doll Accessories. This is one of the projects I made for my daughter's miniature doll house. I used a vintage hankie. The accent pillows are 1.25" x 1.25". The miniature bedspread is 4 1/8 " x 4 1/4 ". Each accessory was sewn with a 1/4" seam. I've never written a post about this idea and I made these so long ago that I can't even remember where this inspiration came from. But they sure are cute, aren't they?
3. Add pizzaz to a pocket by using vintage linens. Link here.
4. Make a child's dress or skirt from a pillowcase. Link here.
6. Turn a hankie into a burp cloth, the above is what I made after reading this post by PolkaDot Chair. She backed her burp cloths with chenille and edged them with rick-rack. They are beautiful! The one above was trimmed with pink and white gingham bias tape and lined with baby fine terry cloth fabric.
7. Add trim onto baby leggings from the edges of linen napkins. Inspiration here.
8. A peasant shirt from a linen table runner. Post found here.
- 9. Two placemats into a sunhat. Tutorial found here.
10. Doll apron from a linen napkin. Found here.

13. Purse from a doily and jeans. Tutorial found here.
17. Pin Cushions from vintage linens by Isa Creative Musings. She has an amazing variety of these and I love how she puts the pin cushions into vintage Jell-O molds.
18. Valance from a variety of handkerchiefs colorful and light add a light, airy feel to a room were created by Bev of Flamingo Toes.
For more ideas, check out "Vintage Handkerchiefs & Scarves Upcycled and Repurposed" found at Dishfunctional Designs here. My favorite idea was the quilt. The detail on her quilt is over the top amazing!
If you want more ideas for sewing projects using vintage linens, see "Sewing With Vintage Linens." Another fun book is "I Like My Skirts Fast and Cheep: a Beginner Project Using Vintage Linens.
I saw a table runner that used a lot of vintage linens and scraps of trims and I could kick myself for not saving the photo of the project when I first discovered it. It was lovely. So, until I find it again and get a lot more motivation for a tougher project, I'll stick with the easy ideas. Which project do you like the best? xoxo Grandma
For more ideas on sewing with vintage linens & the best little sewing scissors go here:
For more ideas on sewing with vintage linens & the best little sewing scissors go here:
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